

Architects Drinking Wine & Modeling


We love architecture and we love wine. We love being a part of the community. AND, we want to design wineries. So we’re putting ourselves out there!

Jana and I went to the Paso Wine Fest for the first time this last year with this simple desire—to meet great people. Long, fantastic story short…not only did we meet some passionate wine makers, we reconnected with friends that we hadn't seen in two decades, and we drank some really fantastic Central Coast wines with fun, new friends.  

Did we design a winery this last year? Nope.
But we started some new friendships and rekindled a few old ones.

A good friend of mine used the phrase "people over product" as a chapter title in his memoir This is Not a T-Shirt.  It’s stuck in my head ever since first reading it and I've modified it to stir me in my own profession…people over projects. People come first. And then, when projects come, they’re better than we could have imagined.

So how did Jana and I end up the faces for this year's Paso Wine Fest media? I have a couple ideas, our marketing consultant is pretty sure it was the hats, but in reality we just don't know. It was a fun surprise so see us pop up as we were scrolling.

Reach out and let us know if you'll be there this year! We'd love to talk life and architecture over a glass of wine with you.

William Itzen