We value the AIA. There are hundreds of things that as an organization it does on behalf of its members and we want to play our part. Participation, increases the value.
Right now, Jana leads the effort when it comes to our office participation. As Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals AIACC (say that 5 times fast), she is leading our peers from throughout California in focusing on mentorship and licensure. So what does that mean you may be asking? Improving the process:
1. Reducing the amount of time it takes to get licensed (without reducing the value).
2. Reinsituting the culture of mentorship within the profession (because somewhere it was misplaced).
It's cool to see change. I know when we were going through the process of licensure I couldn't keep track of gripes I had about the process. But looking back it was probably 5 times better than before our time. And now we are in a position to participate in making it better for the next generation of architects. So let's do it.
However, when it comes to mentorship it was never misplaced on me! I'm not going to name names (lest I don't list them all), but for over 12 years now in the profession I've never lacked multiple mentors. Even as we have gone out on our own, I can text or call any of them. And thankfully I've noticed along the journey their value and how I have the opportunity to extend it. Right from the start of ITZEN, we started an internship program. And our biggest motivation, mentorship.